Patient Care Glassboards

Patient Care Glassboards are designed specifically to your needs.
Over the past years we have printed and affixed patient information to Glassboards in hospitals such as Box Hill Hospital in Melbourne. Patient Care Glassboards can also be manufactured with a magnetic feature.
We have invented (and have an international patent lodged) for bedside Patient Care Replaceable Insert Glassboards. This is a breakthrough in patient communication. These boards are also designed specifically to your needs. They are particularly useful in environments where the information may need to be changed, either regularly or in the future.
Our Patient Care Glassboards are being used in Royal Children’s Hospital and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne and St Lukes Private Hospital in Sydney.
Additionally we can manufacture these Glassboards with a whiteboard marker holder incorporated into the design.
All design and collaboration with hospitals is conducted with disease control/prevention in mind.
Contact us for more information.