Art on Glass Interactive Exhibition

Interactive Exhibition
On October 4th, 2019 we celebrate art painted in reverse by our in-house artist, Iain Logan with the Art On Glass Interactive exhibition.
Guests got to be part of the art and add their own contribution to create something beautiful!
We love the creativity that filled the room. As well as the excitement for the unveiling of Iain Logan's newest art on glass pieces. Not only this but even Member of Parliament from the Central Coast, Liesel Tesch got in on the fun!
To view or buy an artwork from the exhibition you can visit our shop in our special Art on Glass section here. You can also check out Iain Logan's Instagram Its My Rawshack. You can stay updated on all his latest artworks here.
The Wolfy Foundation Glassboard
The Art on Glass whiteboard that was created at this event by guests is also up for sale. It's currently listed on eBay for auction and can be purchased here.
Furthermore, we are also happy to announce that 100% of the sales made from this glassboard will go directly to The Wolfy Foundation. If you are interested in purchasing this Art on Glass piece, you can bid here.
The Wolfy Foundation ABN 37674348492 is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient Item 1 (DGR1).